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New York’s Fight Against Puppy Mills: A Victory for Animal Welfare

Background Puppy mills are overcrowded and unhealthy. They’re an unfit environment that prioritizes profit over animal welfare. This leads to widespread health problems and suffering for the dogs involved. The health…

HR Alert: NY Workers’ Compensation and Mental Health

New York Governor Kathy Hochul recently signed a bill into law that’s likely to have a significant impact on workers’ compensation here in New York. Ultimately, it creates an additional burden on employers and is bou…

NY Justice for Injured Workers Act

A recent case from a New York City-area appeals court is going to have a significant effect on injured workers’ cases in New York. Specifically, it’s helpful for personal injury cases brought on behalf of injured wor…

Winter Weather Protection for Workers

| Lisa Coppola |
The New York State Department of Labor has issued new guidelines to protect workers from extreme cold. Anyone working outside. especially construction workers, face significant dangers when working in extreme cold. The gui…

Corporate Transparency Act – Off AGAIN.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed itself late yesterday and is holding the district court’s nationwide injunction in place for now. This means the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) – and its requiremen…

Traveling for the Holidays – What You Need to Know

| Lisa Coppola |
The holiday season is a great time to travel. And because of that, it’s also a very popular time to travel. Airports are crowded and flights are full to the brim, and this can make travel difficult. If you’re l…

HR Alert: 2025 NYS Paid Family Leave Updates

We’ve written about New York’s Paid Family Leave Act in the past. New York State’s Workers’ Compensation Board Chair Clarissa M. Rodriguez recently announced some new updates and employee-favorable terms that g…

Corporate Transparency Act – It’s Back in Business for Small Businesses

As happens with legislation that’s making its way through the court system, sometimes a law is enjoined, and then other times, the injunction is stayed or held in abeyance. As we wrote about mere weeks ago, the Corpo…

HR Alert: January 1, 2025 NY Minimum Wage Increase

January 1, 2025 is around the corner. The first of the year is a trigger for employers and human resources professionals to have your ducks in a row, as we’ve written about in the past. One change is obvious, as we&#…

HR Alert: Wage Deductions Revisited

| Lisa Coppola | , ,
Pay Deductions – Can You Do It? Today, we want to talk about wage deductions. What’s allowed and what’s not in New York State? Although the Legislature and the New York Department of Labor’s Division of Labor S…
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