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HR Alert: Teenaged Workers in New York

The New York Department of Labor (DOL) encourages businesses to pledge to support the rights of youth in their workplaces and to avoid and affirmatively report violations of the law that result in unsafe or unlawful condit…

HR Alert: EEOC Guidance on Workplace Harassment

This past autumn, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued its Proposed Enforcement Guidance on Harassment in the Workplace. While it still isn’t final guidance, even the proposed content has be…

HR Alert: New Law Creates Requirements When Hiring Freelancers

New York Governor Hochul has once again signed new legislation that will have a huge effect on the way you run your business. This time, the new law focuses on the hiring of freelance workers to perform certain services fo…

HR Alert: Minimum Wage Changes

As New York’s been doing these past several years, the minimum wage changed effective January 1, 2024. Not surprisingly, the minimum wage increased, and it differs depending on where you are in the State. Minimum Wag…

HR Alert: New York Toughens Up Non-Disclosure Agreements in Discrimination Cases

On November 17, 2023, Governor Kathy Hochul signed NY State Senate Bill S4516 into law that greatly affects settlement agreements between employers and employees who choose to settle claims of discrimination, harassment, a…

Biennial Registration is Now Fully Online

For our Lawyer Friends Beginning December 1, 2023, New York attorneys now must complete their biennial registration online. Although the registration requirement is not new, attorneys previously had the option of completin…

HR Alert: NY Bans Inquiries into Social Media Accounts

Governor Kathy Hochul recently signed a new bill into law that prohibits employers from requesting, requiring, or coercing an employee or applicant to disclose information relating to their personal social media accounts. …

HR Alert: NY Extends Statute of Limitations for Discrimination Claims

Just when you thought you could close the book on a thorny issue involving an employee or ex-employee, New York State steps in and says: Not. So. Fast. On November 17, 2023. Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law an amendme…

HR Alert: Yet ANOTHER Employer Obligation in New York

Happy Thanksgiving from your friends at The Coppola Firm! We’ve got more news from the NY Legislature and Department of Labor, and – as we’ve come to expect – it adds another obligation to employers…

HR Alert: In New York, employees’ views are their own

Hochul signs new legislation to protect against political and religious discrimination. This autumn, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed a bill into law that prohibits employers from disciplining workers who chose not to…
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