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December 30, 2019

HR Alert: Stop Asking About Salary History Now!

We’re reminding New York employers that the State’s ban on asking prospective employees about their salary history goes into effect on January 6, 2020. This means employers no longer are permitted to rely on a …

HR Alert: FAQs About The Overtime Rules Effective January 2020

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that sets requirements for employers to pay employees overtime. There’s been a lot of buzz recently about the changes set to take effect in January 2020. In this post, w…

HR Alert: Second Circuit Addresses Pay Equity Claims Under Title VII

| Lisa Coppola | , ,
By now, responsible employers know they can’t pay employees differently based solely on gender.  Under federal law, employers must follow the Equal Pay Act as well as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which b…

It’s Buffalo (so, yes, there’s snow)

| Lisa Coppola | ,
We’re in for the first significant snow and ice of the season over the next 24 hours, so it’s useful to consider how to avoid a fender bender or a more serious accident. Follow these well-known – but some…

HR Alert: 5 Hiring Tips To Limit Employer Liability

Gearing up for the holidays? Before you set out to hire holiday help, take the time to ensure your hiring practices are up to date. Here are a few best practices to consider: 1. Don’t ask about prior convictions on your jo…

HR Alert: NY Employers Should Post Voting Leave Notices Now

New York law now requires employers to provide employees with paid time off to vote.  Employers are obligated to provide employees with notice of their rights at least 10 working days before an election. The next election …

Personal Liability for Harassment & Discrimination in New York

It is well known that New York employers can be held liable for harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Liability for owners, officers, and supervisors, however, is less frequently discussed. In this post we discus…

HR Alert: NY’s Pay Equity Law Now In Effect

Effective October 8, 2019, New York Labor Law § 194 prohibits employers from paying employees who are a member of a protected class less than employees outside of that protected class to perform the same or substantially s…

Erin Ewell on Recent Changes in NY Employment Law

On September 10th, Erin K. Ewell, Esq. will present a lively and informative review of the most recent legislative changes to employment law in New York.  Together with colleague Lisa Poch, Esq., she’ll discuss the e…

Act Now: Claims Revived By The Child Victims Act May Be Filed Now Through August 14, 2020

The New York Child Victims Act allows victims of child sex abuse to file a civil suit any time before their 55th birthday. Previously these claims expired on the victim’s 23rd birthday. The Act also creates a limited one-y…
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