As New York’s been doing these past several years, the minimum wage changed effective January 1, 2024. Not surprisingly, the minimum wage increased, and it differs depending on where you are in the State.
Minimum Wage Effective January 1, 2024
$16/hour in New York City
$16/hour in Long Island and Westchester
$15/hour Everywhere Else in New York State
There’s some useful guidance at the New York Department of Labor website which every payroll professional should review now. Believe it or not, the federal minimum wage is only $7.25 per hour! If you’re a New York employer, you must comply with the higher New York limits, however.
If you have questions about how to pay your workers, let us know. We routinely answer these sorts of questions for human resources and payroll professionals, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. You can reach us at 716.839.9700.