January 1, 2025 is around the corner. The first of the year is a trigger for employers and human resources professionals to have your ducks in a row, as we’ve written about in the past.
One change is obvious, as we’ve seen it occur regularly in the past several years. In New York State, there’s a minimum wage increase that’s effective January 1, 2025.
Minimum wage increases to $16.50 per hour in New York City, Long Island, and Westchester County.
Elsewhere in the State, minimum wage increases to $15.50 per hour.
Effective Date NYC, Long Island, Westchester County Rest of New York State
January 1, 2025 $16.50/hour $15.50/hour
January 1, 2026 $17.00/hour $16.00/hour
January 1, 2027 $17.00 + annual increase $16.00 + annual increase
With the first-of-the-year change comes a new minimum wage poster as well. Posters for various industries are easily found online and are free of charge.
Any questions about this or other employment law issues? Feel free to contact us at info@coppolalegal.com or 716.839.9700. We’re here to help.