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What You Need to Know About the HERO Act

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The NYS Health and Essential Rights Act (NY HERO ACT), which protects private sector employees against exposure and disease during a future airborne infectious disease outbreak, is still something NYS businesses need to know about and comply with.

In this Employment Tip video, The Coppola Firm Founder Lisa Coppola explains what you need to know.

Learn more from New York State here.

Learn more on The Coppola Firm Blog:

HR Alert: NY’s HERO Act in Effect Today – June 4, 2021

HR Alert: HERO Act – What You Need to Know Now

If you have any questions, please contact The Coppola Firm. We would love to hear from you.

Lisa Coppola

Written by Lisa Coppola

Founder of The Coppola Firm

Lisa A. Coppola, Esq. understands the challenges her clients face, whether they’re starting a new business, taking their existing operations in a new direction, or facing a claim or threat.

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