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August 13, 2018

Does HIPAA Apply To Your Business?

HIPAA, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and related federal regulations, address the privacy and security of protected health information (PHI). PHI is protected by the U.S. Department of Hea…

Sexual Harassment: It’s Illegal in Housing, Too

Sexual harassment in housing has been getting a lot attention in the media lately. This may be in part due to a powerful video released by the United States Department of Justice. While much of the conduct described in the…

When The Client Harasses, The Employer Must Act

| Lisa Coppola | ,
There’s been a lot of talk recently about employers’ obligations to address sexual harassment in the workplace. What often comes as a surprise is that this obligation also applies to conduct perpetrated by individual…

Sexual Harassment: In NYS, the Secret’s Largely Out of the Bag

As you may already know, New York State made some big changes to its sexual harassment laws this year. You can read more about those changes here. One of the new changes prohibits mandatory arbitration of sexual harassment…

Public Sector Employers Must Act Now: What To Do About Wage Deductions For Union Dues

In case you missed it, the Supreme Court handed down a big decision for public sector employers. You can read more about the decision here. In short, the Janus decision tells us that a public sector employer violates the F…

Breaking News from the Supreme Court: Public-Sector Unions May Not Automatically Collect Dues

In a decision released on Wednesday, June 27th, the U.S. Supreme Court held that States and public-sector unions may not force non-consenting employees to pay union dues. Saying that this forced or automatic payroll deduct…

HR Alert: What You Need To Know Before Hiring An Unpaid Intern

Our last post discussed important tips for hiring temporary paid employees. Today we discuss the things you must consider before taking on an unpaid intern. The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) requires that most …

HR Alert: Your Summer Employee Survival Guide

| Lisa Coppola | ,
It’s that time of year again. The kids are just about done with school, and it’s the perfect time to bring in some low-cost help for the summer months. Today, we’re discussing helpful tips to ensure a successful summer for…

Attention Public Schools: Is Your Website Compliant? Free Guidance From the US DOE Available Soon.

| Lisa Coppola |
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) protects the rights of students with disabilities. IDEA is enforced by the US Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. Among other requirements, public schoo…

HR Alert: New Sexual Harassment Laws in New York

Late last week, Governor Cuomo signed into law new protections for New York employees and others, particularly those who claim sexual harassment. While the law creates sweeping changes for both public and private employers…
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