Motorcycle Accidents

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Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Buffalo

A motorcycle accident is a collision involving a motorcycle and another vehicle or object. These types of accidents can result in serious injuries or death for the motorcycle rider and passengers.

Motorcyclists are more likely to suffer serious injuries in collisions with other vehicles because they are smaller and lack the protections of other vehicles. A motorcyclist does not have the protections of the frame of a vehicle, and so the motorcyclist’s head and body can directly strike the pavement or other vehicles.  Because motorcycles are lighter, small, and on only two wheels, an accident is much more likely to result in a significant injury. 

What Causes Motorcycle Accidents?

It can be difficult for other drivers to see motorcycles because they are smaller.  As a result, other drivers may not see the motorcycle, cut them off, follow them too closely, or open their doors into the motorcycle. Some drivers are distracted, texting, and not paying attention to the road. Other drivers rely on the fact that they have a bigger vehicle to take over the road. Regardless of how it happens, when a vehicle strikes a motorcycle, the results can be catastrophic.

Motorcyclists also can be injured because of the dangers from roadway defects or poorly maintained streets. Potholes, construction, and other conditions on the street can be far more dangerous to a motorcyclist than the driver of an automobile.

What Injuries Can Result from Motorcycle Accidents?

Motorcycle accidents can result in a variety of injuries, including but not limited to head injuries (such as traumatic brain injuries or TBIs), road rash (abrasions caused by skidding along the pavement), broken bones, spinal cord injuries, and internal injuries. Wearing protective gear, such as a helmet and leather clothing, can help reduce the severity of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident.

Can I Sue if I Am Injured on a Motorcycle?

A lawsuit for a motorcycle accident can be filed by the injured party or their representative (e.g., a family member) to seek compensation for damages incurred as a result of the accident. People injured on motorcycles may have claims against the negligent driver that hit the motorcycle. Passengers on motorcycles also may have claims against the driver’s insurance. Damages can include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. In order to win a motorcycle accident lawsuit, the plaintiff must be able to prove that the defendant (the person or party being sued) was negligent or at fault for the accident. This can be done by showing that the defendant failed to exercise a reasonable level of care while operating their vehicle and that this failure led to the plaintiff’s injuries. Motorcycle accident lawsuits can be complex, and it is best to consult with an experienced attorney who practices in personal injury law.

How Does Insurance Work for Motorcycle Accidents?

New York insurance is different for motorcycles than it is for cars. A motorcycle is not a “motor vehicle” within the meaning of New York’s No-Fault Law. For that reason, a motorcyclist is not a covered person under the No-Fault Law, and the injured motorcyclist is not entitled to the typical No-Fault medical and wage benefits. That also means that injured motorcyclists are not subject to the same “serious injury” threshold that New York No-Fault Law requires for people injured in cars or trucks. 

Motorcycle insurance typically includes liability coverage, which can help protect you financially if you cause an accident that results in injury or property damage to someone else. It may also include collision coverage, which can help pay for repairs to your motorcycle if you are involved in an accident, regardless of who is at fault. Comprehensive coverage can also be added to cover non-collision damage, such as theft or weather-related damage. It’s important to review your options and speak with an insurance agent to determine the coverage that best meets your needs.

As a motorcycle owner, you can purchase additional coverage known as “UM/SUM coverage,” which gives you additional protection if you are injured in an accident. One of the worst things lawyers see when they have a motorcyclist who has been injured is that the other driver did not have more than $25,000 in insurance coverage, and the injured motorcyclist did not have additional coverage. 

It is important to check your insurance policies and call a reputable insurance broker or insurance company to make sure you have a policy that will protect you if you are in an accident. If you do become injured in an accident, call The Coppola Firm to help you navigate the process and get the maximum result possible.

Should I Contact a Lawyer if I Was Injured in a Motorcycle Accident?

Yes. There are important and complex issues that need to be evaluated related to how the accident happened, who may be at fault, and what deadlines exist to bring a claim.  The personal injury attorneys at The Coppola Firm have decades of experience representing people who have been injured. We are conveniently located in suburban Amherst, New York, with a ground floor office, close, free parking, and easy office access.  Our lawyers will come to meet you at your home, office, or hospital, or via call or videoconference to minimize your need to travel, if you like. The lawyers at The Coppola Firm represent people across the State of New York. Contact us today at 716-839-9700 or fill out our contact form for a free case evaluation.

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